Search Iowa City real estate featured listings, and homes for sale listed by Julie Dancer. If you’re looking for something else, search all Iowa City MLS listings by using our search tool. Search by property type, city, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, and price; or just use the search tool to type in what you are looking for. Know the address you want to view? You can type that in too. If you have any questions on any of these listings or are interesting in scheduling a viewing, contact me for details. Want to list your home for sale? We can help with that too!
Priced between $100,000-$149,999
Priced between $150,000-$199,999
Priced between $200,000-$249,999
Priced between $250,000-$299,999
Priced between $300,000-$349,999
Priced between $350,000-$399,999
Priced between $400,000-$449,999
Priced between $450,000-$499,999
Priced between $500,000-$599,999
Priced between $600,000-$699,999
Priced between $700,000-$799,999
Priced between $800,000-$899,999
Priced between $900,000-$999,999
Priced Above $1,000,000
Julie Dancer is Licensed to Sell Real Estate in the State of Iowa.